UnitedHealth CEO shot

Well we could change legislation to overhaul the tax code to increase tax rates on billionaires and the companies they own, create a single-payer healthcare system, and fix social security.

Oh that’s right, legislators are part of the corrupt system.
And that's where we agree we're all running around like coked-up chickens bawking and screaming how much we want blood until we realize there's more then just one little layer we have to deal with. We could change or overhaul our tax code so billionaires pay more? Sure, go ahead. Would it change their overall corporate behavior? Maybe a little bit, but not enough that rampant corruption, graft or cronyism wouldn't still happen. Even in E.U. countries where billionaires pay more and single-payer, universal health care systems exist, you still have corrupt, amoral businessman, health care CEO's and executives who skim off the system and in some cases, it might be worse because in places like France, Italy, Germany, and U.K. these people a lot more closely with the government who runs and monitors these socialized health care systems. Often times, they are public service employees, not private CEO's. We can regulate tax codes to make billionaires pay more or create fairer, equitable healthcare systems, but we can't necessarily regulate how billionaires make their money in the first place nor prevent guys like this UHC CEO from screwing people over? It will just be somebody else in some other sector of the economy or even worse, the government.

One side's more corrupt than the other, I'll give you that but the other side still doesn't want to blow it all up even if they were in power. Fringe "unique" types like Bernie Sanders or AOC are usually kept out in the hallways and even they, terps, aren't as radical as most people make them out to be if one truly examines their policy positions or ideals. I would hardly compare Bernie Sanders to true, past progressives like Eugene V. Debs, one of the AFL-CIO's founders.