UnitedHealth CEO shot

I'm saying those revolutions you mentioned killed, murdered a lot of unnecessary people who didnt commit a crime and even if their ideals ended up working, that was also two hundred years later and who pays or has to answer that forking bloody bill where more good, innocent people die to realize this happier world and trust me, in the end, we will have to forking pay for it.

I'm also saying that the trolley problem will end up killing hundreds of thousands, in not millions more then just a bunch of dead CEO's and sometimes a worser system comes along that devours people like you along with it. You talk about it in the abstract like it doesn't mean anything or can't imagine your ideals being corrupted by somebody else, but it often has and likely would corrupt yours. It never ends or stops with just the people you hate or oppose once you're on top making decisions. If one isn't sober or honest enough to admit that, then nothing I can say will make them understand what I'm trying to say.

Their also was no revolution that ended Apartheid, no forceful military response, it was done at the ballot box that voted out De Klerk and elected Mandela's as SA's first multiracial president. Their was obviously a lot of tension, pre-vote, but at least South Africa didnt end up like some corrupt, broken regime like Mugabe's Zimbabwe or Mozambique. A regime that was more oppressive, violent, and corrupt then the one that preceded it. And while slavery was abolished after a million or so Americans died during the Civil War, the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts were passed and enacted through a democratic process.

Sometimes, democracy is slow and it isn't always perfect but meaningful reform and a more peaceful approach works better then piles of bodies and unrealized, distorted versions of utopian ideals take shape. I would mention HIS NAME, but that would be too easy and while its historically relevant, you're tired of hearing about his name or his former regime.
I assume you mean Stalin and not Jesus
But using Rumsfeld’s Known Knowns quadrant

A: Kill 5 CEOs and hopefully democracy is restored
B: Kill 5 CEOs and something just as bad takes over
C: Don’t kill CEOs and hope for democracy in 100 years
D: Don’t kill CEOs and get worse and worse oligarchy leading almost certainly to a way bloodier revolution

Since the US already has the democratic structure in place (vs the other worse case scenarios you offered)
A seems the most logical