UnitedHealth CEO shot

An interesting (at least to me) side note- i recently started here in Asia a “side hustle” as the kids call it, where i am selling…….. wait for it…… health insurance to expats making the same type of move here as i did a few months back… also some other products like investments, life insurance, et al.. i call it a side hustle b/c while it isn’t my main source of income at the moment , im taking it seriously, learning a ton and hope to make it my main vocation in 2025.. ive been in Healthcare (mostly in the Dental space) for almost 20 yrs, but never on the Insurance side.. so i cant vilify insurance folks as much as i used to lol, though i will still be able to argue (rightfully i think) that there is a difference between mere brokers like myself and insurance company executives with multi-million dollar salary packages and golden parachutes…

The thing im finding about selling these international /Asian health insurance packages is that every single policy we sell (and there are dozens) explicitly states that they cover people for every country in the world where they might get sick or injured EXCEPT for the United States.. the cost of healthcare back home is so out of whack that none of the international insurers will even think about assuming that risk .