TE Tyler Warren as Saints 1st pick?

I like Tyler Warren. I personally think Luke Lachey will be just as good, and wouldn't be surprised if he had a better NFL career (of course team, QB all account for that). I don't understand why, but Iowa always seems to find amazing talent at TE.

They both have different games. Tyler Warren is a TE that does a lot of screens and short throws. He also has a knack for finding gaps in zone. He also can run the ball akin to Taysom Hill. Luke Lachey is more of a traditional TE, running mid/deep routes more akin to Ben Watson and can really fight well for contested balls which serve great in redzones.

Can't go wrong either.

Want to add, what would be REALLY awesome, is if we took both and ran the Patriots 2010-2012 double TE formation offense. With Kamara in the backfield and grabbing another capable RB in the draft or free agency to relieve him, it would be an unstoppable offense.