Yacht Rock a Dockumentary

Don't feel ashamed that you felt then that bands like Motley Crue, Poison, Ratt, Cinderella, and rest of mid-late 80's Sunset Strip hair bands sucked and still do. I feel the same way, frankly, Guido and I'm so forking glad an angrier, potent yet more politically and socially relevant PNW punk offshoot called Grunge killed them off. Popular music needs a long-overdue, underground more genuine genre or off-shoot like Grunge to make music, culture and our overall society a little more interesting then over-commercialized retreads or worn-out cliched gimmicks. In the late 70's, The Who's Pete Townsend wrote and recorded a song called "Music must change" amidst the transatlantic punk explosion in U.K. and U.S.A. and that sentiment remains as true now as it did 45 years ago.

I'm actually glad bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains and Mud Honey ruined the careers of Warrant, Winger, Mr. Big, Poison, Ratt, and humbled Motley Crue a little bit out of their high-flying 80's stupid, inane and fake "Girls, Girls, Girls" decadence. It epitomized everything that Kurt Cobain pointed out that was fake, superficial and over-commercialized about the L.A. hair metal scene.