UnitedHealth CEO shot

LOL -never waste a crisis, says the doctors trade association.

Everyone has a story about crazy medical bills but then they’re ready to shoot more people when an insurer tries to follow Medicare’s approach to putting a cap on certain expenses.

Well played by the anesthesiologists, who already average about $350k annually.

“We want lower costs! Medicare 4 All!”

“Not like that!!”

Since we are on about anesthesiologists, good friend of ours is one. Interesting is they are now "contract" labor. They form groups and negotiate pay ( power in numbers ) with the hospitals they provide services for. There are several groups im aware of that all vie for max contracts. He is actually contemplating out of state work because the pay is akin to a NOBRA ship pilot ( $400k/yr plus )

What doesnt get factored is all the folks within the healthcare industry, ALL attempting to maximize their pay/revenue. ALL. So when the CRNA costs go up ( because they negotiated a better deal ), or a physicians group, or nursing group etc etc, just like the free market, the consumer picks up the tab.
Every. single. Time.

I pay $962 for health insurance every 2 weeks. ( family policy thru employer ) Thats $1924/month or $23,088 annual.

Its insane.

So you have all these denizens within the Healthcare Industry ( its own eco system ) - Health insurers, Hospital Groups ( which there are only 3 now i think that own 90% of the hospitals in the US ) Physician groups, specialists groups, nursing groups etc etc. and they are all feeding from the same trough BUT all wanting a larger part of the same trough.

You want good hospitals? you gonna pay
Want good physicians? you gonna pay
specialists? pay
Nurses? pay

Doesnt leave much room for health insurers so when they are blocked on the "payment for services" side, the ONLY other avenue is focusing on claims.

Meanwhile, they ( as a whole ) keep telling us, the consumer, that its what it is for good healthcare. And we keep paying it because we have no alternative choices. So i keep paying $1900~ $50 copay, $75 urgent care copay, $750 ER copay and hope that i can limit those visits as best i can. Thats not how it supposed to work.

Someone mentioned earlier its similar to a ponzi scheme- its not. its a full on monopoly where all the players have a full understanding that the one group that WILL pay for it are the consumers.