
Imagine, a NK COMPLAINING about not having enough anything.

You know how BAD the situation has to be for NKs to be complaining?
Well, they are soldiers who are part of and help defend one of the world's frightening communist, Orwellian-style totalitarian dictatorships (NK is probably the closest real-life analogy to Orwell's society described in 1984) but to be fair, If I really can, elf, this isn't their war, their problems. This is a war their "Great Leader" signed up to be apart of in closed negotiating rooms because Kim-Jong Un wanted missiles and Putin needs fresh soldiers for the never-ending meat-grinding, quagmire of a war he started.

Disposable pawns on a chessboard, elf, and thrown to the wolves as part of some despicable "mutually beneficial" agreement two meglomaniacal dictators to continue fighting some stupid, asinine war in Ukraine that never should have happened.