Why do some men behave badly?
Not surprised this hasn’t gotten more traction (106 views, no comments) - EE typically doesn’t like to discuss squishier, ambiguous topics like this
But having been taught mostly by women with most peers being female having gotten my degree and taught at ‘3rd wave feminist’ schools; I’ve confronted this topic a lot
one bit of research referred to is at the '***hole gene' - it argued that there has been historical advantage for 'iconoclastic' decision making
it's probably helped win battles and defend castles as well as help make scientific discovers and new artistic expressions
(obviously it's not going to be foolproof and it's going to allow for as many conmen as tortured geniuses)
the article was discussing that it sees the gene phasing out
BUT I think it must be noted that for the iconoclastic gene to work, there must also be genes in others that is receptive to that
we are a social species - believing in something is vital for the survival of the group - if we were all natively skeptical we'd have probably dies out before we started
technologically we have developed past the place where the ***hole gene is a net benefit - BUT that's not how genetics works (much slower process) which is why it is most vital to socially learn information skepticism
to learn to not follow something that clearly is toxic for our development
to the gender thing, the reality of the boy/girl socialization difference is why we should strongly encourage lifting up female leaders
females, by the socialization process mentioned in the article are forced to learn the male way of seeing the world as well as their own
males only learn/are taught a much narrower range of problem solving
of course you would (mostly) want the leader with a much broader set of problem solving skills