UnitedHealth CEO shot

I've heard nothing but horror stories from people who live in those free healthcare countries. Takes forever to see someone and the quality is often much lower. I'm sure theres a ton of pros to it but people act like its some utopia. I do agree, health insurance industry is probably the 3rd most scummiest industry on the planet behind politician and journalism industries.
I see three specialists. It takes me, as an established patient, 3+ months to get an appointment. It took nine months to get an appointment with my rheumatologist.

A few years ago a guy at work crushed his leg. They rushed him to the hospital. There were so few doctors available that they had to fly him to Chicago. The delay cost him his leg.

When I hear people say that the drawback to single payer healthcare is that you'll have to wait to receive care I can't help but roll my eyes.

We're so busy trying to point the negatives of others that we don't recognize that we share those same negatives.