Why Do I Feel So Disconnected?

The Saints won and the Falcons lost yesterday and yet I don't feel much excitement about either. I mean, we are still in the playoff hunt but not only am I not excited, but I feel meh about ALL of it. Like I KNOW abject disappointment is lingering right around the corner.

Is anyone else feeling some sort of malaise or moribund about this season, about our Boys?
I was only tuning in to the games to see what Taysom Hill would do next. Let's face it, even before the injuries started piling up our team was far from ready to compete in the post season and anything less than that after the Payton /Brees era is just boring to watch. I thought I would have at least the Pelicans NBA team to pull for but that ship has sailed for the season as well. Yes a sports fan with no real team to hang your hopes on. That is disconnection for sure.