Jim Mora didn’t like Rizzi chewing out Matthew Hayball

I guess with the snowflake era we are in now, Rizzi should have pulled him over, wrapped a arm over his shoulder, and said now Matthew, these punts aren't going where we designed. And you got caught up in the midst of all the players so you couldn't make a play on the returner. So what I need you to do next time is execute OK. Now, go get some gatorade and watch the film and try to do better. You're ok Matthew. You will be fine.
He got his butt chewed out. He will live.
You sure you're not a flake yourself, having spelled out all that snow in perfect diction? ;)

Easy to criticize it from all angles when we're outside the arena -- even for the old warhorse Mora. When juxtaposed against all other issues this team has, I think of the words an old boss of mine would use to describe it. "It's just teets on a bull," she'd say.