Jim Mora didn’t like Rizzi chewing out Matthew Hayball

Actually, what Hayball did on that play directly resulted in a TD - that was thankfully called back for holding.

Hayball was supposed to stay back like a deep safety and attempt to drive the returner to the sidelines as a “last line of defense”. Instead, he ran ahead and vacated the deep “safety” spot and entered the scrum and actually got in the way of two potential tacklers.

So the kick was only half his job and his mistake could have cost a TD in a game that was won by 3 points.

We have apparently gotten very used to an emotionless walking corpse as our coach.

Also, Rizzi was special teams coach and spent the first half of the season in the ST room with Hayball. So if there’s anyone Rizzi should be comfortable blowing up, it’s him.
I know and agree with all of that. I’m saying it was overboard for a guy that was trying too hard to make a play and tackle the guy. Those kind of outbursts should be for lack of hustle or effort, imo.