Jim Mora didn’t like Rizzi chewing out Matthew Hayball

I was cooking during the game and missed it live, so after reading some of your assessments, I was expecting that Rizzi really showed his arse and did something reprehensible...

...just watched the clip, and that was a bunch of nothing-burger. Some of y'all are soft. The punter is the last line of defense and gave up a TD (if not for the flag) by simply being undisciplined. The arse-chewing was warranted. He's paid too much to make such a simple mistake.

Did you see him throw his headset down like a 3 year-old? Is that what it takes to not be soft? If so, there are some damn strong 3 year-olds out there.

It's not the arse chewing that is the issue. It's the red faced throwing his headset down that is the problem. I'm not sure how taking issue with a grown man acting like a 3 year-old throwing a temper tantrum is "soft". We all made fun of Brady and called him soft when he threw and broke his Surface Pro. Why the double standard? Just because we like Rizzi?