Will Khai Harley be the Saints next GM?

It was a great strategy while we still had Brees and were competitive, but since Brees retired, we've been stuck with high-yield debt that we keep having to push forward just to field a functioning team. Like the Bucs did, we should have eaten our debt the year after Brees retired and corrected the books.

I don't know if it was Loomis's idea to have Hartley keep pushing dead money forward and if that would be a continued strategy if Loomis moves on and Hartley takes over the GM position.

Was it a great strategy when we had Brees, or is it just mentally we equate everything with that era as great and anything outside of it as “the problem?”

The strategy works, we have just really sucked at picking players and coaches as of late in addition to suffering a historical amount of devastating injuries each year.

It’s not even really a “strategy.” It’s just a different way of managing the books that happens to look different from everyone else’s.

We manage the cap using future dollars, while most teams manage the cap using present dollars. Both management styles face a level of restriction as far as who you can sign, and both management styles face harsh consequences when you pick the wrong people, just with different window dressing.