The only way Houston gets an NHL team that Tilman doesn't own is if they build a new arena. I can't see that. The Toyota Center is still relavitely new and a very nice venue. There is no reason a hockey team couldn't co-exist there with the Rockets. Wait, yeah, there is a reason, Tilman. He pretends to be Houston's hockey great hope when indeed he's its biggest road block.
I live about 50 miles north of Houston in Montgomery County. I'd love to see a north side arena. I hate going downtown (Harris County) but it's worth it to catch a handful of Astros games each year and catch a few concerts at Toyota Center. I'd love it if we had an NHL team or minor league team in this part of the city. Minor league baseball isn't probably though as Houston has a triple A team in Sugarland (West Houston, about 60 miles from me).