UnitedHealth CEO shot

The dots are not connecting with this story, one which I find pretty sad to be honest. I’m not sure if emotional intelligence can be taught, but I’ve tried to instill it in my children the best that I can. I just believe that if somebody wrongs you and I mean, think of the most terrible things you can - they are not worth your freedom. I know that victims of rape or other heinous acts disagree with me on that, but if killing someone for what may be a valid reason outside of self-defense is going to cause you to spend most if not all of your life in prison - that just compounds what you’re already going through, in my opinion.
I also take it further and consider my afterlife/karma/heaven, not just the here and now.

I am also thinking about Luigi's mother. I still dunno if that manifesto where he goes through his mother's health issues is legit or not; but if it is, is she really jazzed that he's allegedly done this on her behalf and also in the process aired her health issues? Again, what a guy.

Also, the murder trial? Won't be putting the "healthcare" industry on trial.