Jim Mora didn’t like Rizzi chewing out Matthew Hayball

I get the point of your opinion. I just don't agree with your opinion. There's no factual right or wrong on this issue, just opinions.

That's an opinion and it's a subjective issue so opinions are neither factually right or wrong, just different.

In my opinion, Rizzi's reaction wasn't at the level some people see it as being.

That's opinion and speculation, not that there's anything wrong with that. He didn't look out of control in my opinion and I'm not going to speculate on what Rizzi did or didn't know.

I've seen players do that with Belichik, Payton and other coaches who are respected and admired by some of the people who are criticizing Rizzi and using it as a reason to say he's not qualified to be a head coach.

Most of those people had already formed the opinion that Rizzi is not qualified to be a head coach, so it's expected they would use this as one more justification for the opinion they had already formed. There's nothing at all surprising about some people's reactions to Rizzi's actions.

Case in point and it's just your opinion that his emotions got the best of him. The whole exchange lasted around 30 seconds and Rizzi immediately turn his attention back to moving forward. In my opinion, that is not the actions of someone who let their emotions get the best of them. That's the actions of someone that expressed their emotions and then moved on.

In my opinion, throwing down a headset and having a red face does not make Rizzi's actions substantially different from similar actions I've seen from Payton, Belichick and other respected and admired coaches.

I understand and get it that you think that throwing down the headset and having a red face makes Rizzi's reactions significantly different. That's your subjective opinion and not an objective fact. I have a different subjective opinion from you. Do you get that?
You made that way too long post to say your opinion is different from my opinion. Other than direct quotes isn't that what everyone on here is doing? Exercising their opinion. Got It