I am only 42. I do remember the Mora days and everything after, but some of that I was too young I guess to honestly know about all the stuff we know about as we play and learn the game.
Was it always like this? I remember the controversy over Aaron and Jake bc of Aaron having the hurt shoulder. Hasslet wouldn’t sit him and it cost us the playoffs. Was there that much divide then amongst fans and I was just young and oblivious?
It seems like since Winston came along this all really took off. Like some feel there has to be sides. As if we must be on one side or the other, in the corner of one QB or the other.
Then often times it gets worded like this like it’s a divide. It’s ridiculous, at least to me. Now don’t get me wrong, there are a few out there that want things to go their way for their own personal agenda, but I can almost guarantee that the far majority just want the saints to win and teams to cover their bets 🤣