Anyone else question why did Carr leap?

LOL, What BLOCK??? There were 3 defenders closing in on him next to the sideline. 24 was about to push him out 4 yds away from the 1st down. All Austin was doing was standing his man up not pushing him out of the way. There was NO block to follow
When DC started his jump he was 4yds away from the 1st. And guess what he DID get the 1st just the idiot officiating crew messed up again . Have a look

He would ave had to try and split 2 defenders and plow through Austin.
If you look at the play again you'll see it could have been Austin rising up that lifted DC higher making his fall worse
That is WHY you lower your shoulder and perform a football play for a QB and not some Reggie Bush type move which only a handful of players can make~! Defend all you want, the PROOF is in the FAIL~! Poor judgement or lack of it, NOT the play to attempt for him.