I wish Vilma would stop broadcasting Saints games

A. He's generally not very good and doesn't add much to the game.
B. He seems really biased against the Saints for some reason and it's super annoying.
C. I loved him in the B&G and I want to continue that love, but he's turning into a Chris Collinsworth level of annoying.

Couldn't agree more. Instead of getting any sort of "insider" or Saints-centric commentary, he seems to go out of his way to talk up the other teams. I can only assume he does so because he doesn't want to be labeled a homer. Unless he really is harboring a distaste for the Saints. But, either way, I find myself yelling, Shut up, Jonathan, at the TV a lot.

Contrast this to Deuce who gives us local scoopage but I don't consider it homer-y at all. It's just informative and honest.