TV coverage of replays

Less replays equals more commercials.

This feels like a business decision. I DVR the NFL, so I can fast forward through the commercials, but then they’ll pause mid-game & do a picture-in-picture commercial.

Sometimes they cut to commercials so fast that we miss on field plays. It leaves little time for commentators to do analysis of replays. But it is profitable.

Today’s NFL would hate John Madden diving deep into analysis. They’d prefer a word from their sponsor.

The product suffers as profits are squeezed at the expense of story. Story is why I watch. I only tolerate the commercials to see the story. I wonder when will the commercials become bigger than the game? Then I remember all the hype of SUPERBOWL ADS.

I’ll enjoy this story while I can. But I won’t lie to myself when those commercials have stolen too much of my attention.