Renewed debate over autism/vaccine link

I dont necessarily agree with the vaccine theory. My neighbor has a son who is autistic. He was never vaccinated due to his sister having a rare form of cancer, which prevented him from receiving innoculations due to her immune system vulnerability. The family is doing the diet thing, keeping him off of all 8 major allergens and rigorous therapy. My wife and I have seen a marked improvement in him in just over 6 months of diet and therapy and I hope the progression continues.

And I think that brings up an important point....what triggers autism in one child isn't the trigger for another. Vaccines may be strongly suspected in some kids, and in others there was no effect at vaccine time. Some have a dramatic turnaround on a gluten-free, casein-free diet; it makes no difference in others. My son showed no ill effect from his vaccines, and also showed zero difference on a GFCF diet, so what affects/works for one child doesn't do a thing for the next one. That is the particularly difficult aspect of Autism; how dramatically different each child is, from the "cause" to the biomedical issues (vaccines, diet, chelation therapy) to the developmental therapies (Floor Time, ABA, etc.).

Next month is Autism Awareness Month....On April 1 I will start my annual thread, and each day I hope to add a link to an article, have our members here whose families/friends are affected by autism share their stories, find some info on the candidates' views on autism research, IDEA, NCLB, etc., and other items that might be of interest on the thread. There are many of us here who have autism in our lives.