Renewed debate over autism/vaccine link

Herd immunity requires vaccination of a sizable part of the population. The more parents eschew vaccinations, the greater the likelihood of a disease spreading throughout the community. Whooping cough. polio. etc will all stage comebacks.

The other problem is that costs to physicians are not recouped when vaccines are provided. Coupled with liability costs, it's a wonder anyone gets vaccinated.

Let's deplete the compensation fund and forego vaccinations. I await the "epidemics" which will ensue. Diseases thought controlled forever with stage a comeback.

Mercury has not been used in all but a fraction of vaccines for some time. The empirical link between autism and vaccines should decrease with incidence; it is not. We went throught the same process with silicone protheses 15 years ago. That link was finally broken, except for the tort bar, which is driving the current controversy.