Meanwhile Sean Payton is Sean Paytoning in Denver {Thread from September Bumped }

He learned from Bill.
Parcells left the Giants.
And the Patriots.
And the Jets.
Yeah, but he didnt coach any of those teams for 16 seasons, either and essentially decide to quit by way of claiming "burn-out", then seemingly magically he regained his old tenacity, persistence, egotism. LOL! I appreciate what Payton did for this franchise, team, organization and city for 16 seasons, but I seriously doubt he even knows the meaning of the word " burnout". Burn-out former NFL HC's include guys like Dick Vermeil in Philly and John Madden at the end of the 1978 season in Oakland when his doctor told him one way he might be able to rid himself of persistent stomach pain was maybe retire. Dick Vermeil was sleeping in his office for months and over-working himself mentally and physically, next to a film projector in his last season as Eagles HC. His epiphany was when he showed up late in the 1982 strike-shortened season in his parking spot and literally could not get himself out of the car he was so stessed out. He didnt coach again for another 14 years.

That's true, legitimate burnout. What Sean Payton had was "I don't want to be a HC anymore". The longest period of time Parcells ever spent with one team was the one he had the most success with and won two SB's, the New York Giants. He left the Patriots partly due to power-sharing disagreements and kinda mutual dislike of Robert Kraft. Those two never quite got along even from the very beginning.