21 days and counting!!

Steve...I found out late today that my quest for tickets was futile. But, at the this time I'm still seriously considering coming down for New Years. My grandfather isn't fairing too well so my mother won't be making a trip up here for Christmas. I figured I need to take the boys down there to spend a couple of days with her and I need to visit my grandfather before it's too late.

I sure don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to party with everyone else pre/post-game. I can always catch the game from somewhere in the Quarter. :D

Go ahead and shoot me a PM. I'll let you know one way or the other.

Have a good flight home.

ps...be prepared for a long trip home. When you hit about 30,000 ft they'll start opening up the bags of cuttlefish which is not the best aroma to have around when you drinking the warm beer they serve on KAL.