UnitedHealth CEO shot

I do recall the Buddhist monk who self-immolated himself. But he did that instead of you know, killing soldiers or political leaders. And while the Dalai Lama sanctioned the killing of Bin Laden, he did so because he was a murderer and he has never mounted an armed rebellion to take back Nepal from the Chinese.

Though I guess to be fair, Siddharth was a murdered at one time on his path to enlightenment. I just hope you find peace before it gets to that.
Me too.

I hope this country regains its moral footing before we descend into chaos.

We can also to some extent equate CEO’s who allow folks to perish under their watch to Nazi commandants in charge of holocaust protocols. No direct hand in deaths, but enabled horrible systems to flourish. Yes it’s a reach but this “healthcare” system is like no other in the developed world. Piss on it.