
First videos emerging of the NK troops frontal assault with no mechanized or arty support.

I dont exactly know how these men agree to do this.

Considering their country's leader is the third dictator in the Kim family, a brutal, Orwellian Stalinist-styled "Communism in One Family" regime that portrays its leaders, achievements, or its rule as akin to some Marxist-Leninist "Holy Trinity" and Kim Jung-Un is equivalent with being "Son of God" and that most North Koreans live in desperate, abject poverty (that's always been well-hidden) and only loyal diehard party members of North Korea's ruling party and their families are allowed to live in Pyongyang, the capital: do they really have much of a choice, Elf?

They've been brainwashed to believe that North Korea is literally Paradise on Earth, every other country, people even close allies like the Chinese are morally, ethically corrupt and warrant their eternal suspicion, if not enmity.

You ask how these men agreed to do this? Are you so sure that some of them even had a choice at all. These men are disposable geopoliitical pawns on a chessboard in a deal their "Supreme Leader" made with Putin because he needed more rockets and more men for the never-ending meat-grinder, Pyhrric conflict in Ukraine that will break Putin, Russia economically, militarily and from a manpower-perspective even if they manage to procure some halfway-decent armistice.