Silo on Apple TV

Yeah, there is that...for as much as he knows about the Silo--he likely doesn't know why they were even created or what happened to cause the state of the outside world...he also definitely did not seem to know about the tunnel down below. He also obviously isn't above lying to preserve the status quo and has taken quite a bit to murder lately.
This was just a loaded episode!
The legacy was about what I presumed...but still a great reveal
I think Lukas is heading down (to the tunnel) next week to continue his quest
We should also get to meet whomever is left in #17 and took out Solo--it may well be a group of people, too? Given what we know about how IT and Judicial have outside power sources, it's plausible enough that someone/group is living several floors up from IT vault with power and a food supply. Darn near the entire Silo died in one day or so, plenty of food stores and supplies would be left. They also seem to have tactically waited until Jules got the power connected and pump running, or at least it seems like that?
Had a fair amount of blood with a trail heading up, a hatchet and a primitive looking arrow...
Also Jules will likely have to deal with some decompression sickness hitting her soon.
Sims v Bernard with Camille as a total wildcard is setting up...
Very hyped for next week!
My thought is they're feeling her out. An outsider appearing would have to be one of the most jarring experiences - now they know she's skilled, and I have a feeling she's about to obtain another unwanted side quest. I do wish they hadn't leaned so hard on the bends though, there had to be a better way to get that in there without making it over the top obvious like that.

I'm thinking they probably couldn't kill Solo without an alternate way to get into the IT vault, and they may now think they have it. That may look like Solo being a hostage, or being dead with Jules breaking into IT being her price to get out. Either way, I would think she finds some valuable information in there.

We can now venture a guess Solo acts like a paranoid loon because there is actually something out there to be paranoid about
I'd also guess they have tried to get into IT more than once, hence the damage to the locking mechanism and the bodies (which I have been thinking since we first got here)

Lukas and the tunnel being her way out seems like the way the story will go though.