Why do some men behave badly?

Why is this article acting like there aren't plenty of women in positions of power/authority who abuse there underlings or treat people badly?
I agree with plenty in that article but the cherry picked examples are ridiculous and ignore that women express their butt crevasse gene in different ways from men.
It isn't hard to do a little research and find plenty of examples of female politicians and entertainers using their status/positions in immoral or unscrupulous ways. Women, and i say this as a complement, are more subtle than men.
Research also shows that men are far less likely to report things like domestic or sexual abuse.
Women are newer to the power game and there are less of them in these positions...that coupled with men being likely to not report incidents means that cherry picked examples or gross numbers are useless

Look at all the incidents of female teachers sexually abusing students. Those same gender dynamics cause less societal outrage and women's sentences are on average almost 50% less than men.

I think it’s the same as saying “women rape men too” or that women can also be domestic abusers

Yes they do and yes they can but that pie chart is nowhere near equal

You do have a point about the double standard about teachers and I’ll admit I’m guilty of it myself

News story: 40 year old male high school teacher caught having an affair with 9th grade female student

My response: Terrible, monster, pedophile, should be fired, jailed, castrated and tarred and feathered

News story: 40 year old female high school student caught having affair with 9th grade male student

My response: What does she look like? (If hot, ‘good for you kid!’)

It is awful and hardly fair but they’re called double standards for a reason