Romeo & Juliet stars sue over 1968 film’s teen nude scene

but it was a different time - I'm not sure what's being (not) said here
Kind of touches on what Optimus Prime original article suggested or stressed about past child actors/actresses and directors back in the 60's, 70's and early 80's exploiting them or using them in dishonest ways and how very few back then didnt seem to object but over-looked the fact that yes, many of these child actresses did feel exploited, manipulated and in the case of Kinski, her father was a deranged, vile, sadistic sexual predator who raped and molested she and her sisters growing up. If you've heard half of the stories about how insane, unprofessional, sadistic Klaus Klinski was during his acting career that director Werner Herzog actually came close to shooting him a few times while making Aguirre, Wrath of God and Fitzcarraldo.