Head Coach if there is no GM change

I don't doubt that we'll be able to land a promising coach. There will be someone who wants to prove themselves regardless of our circumstance.

I think you're missing the major point, though, it's that Loomis' stubborn and controlling approach will not be attractive to coaches who want roster control. The idea that a proven insider, who has inside access to this organization, is basing his opinion of Loomis on a "SR Witch Hunt" is kinda crazy to me. But whatever you think. There was no "SR Witch Hunt" of Loomis when he started dropping information with concerns with Loomis last year, was there? Yet you think he's just randomly hopping on some forum bandwagon?

Just because an insider has an opinion on something doesn’t make it gospel. If he said something along the lines of “I am hearing…” I would have taken it differently and not even question it, but he clearly didn’t. These are his opinions, and he made this quite clear.

Mickey Loomis is not stubborn and controlling with his HCs. Not sure where that’s even coming from.

Sorry, but the vibe I am getting from a certain select few posters here are that “ML is the enemy and that is to be defended at all costs and anyone that says different is the actual enemy.” If I incorrectly assumed Max was in that group, so be it, but don’t tell me I have to honor an anonymous poster’s OPINION as gospel just because of who they are, especially when I myself have my own level of insight.