Head Coach if there is no GM change

That's not what we said, and this is the root of the problem in this discussion. You're citing what you WANTED to hear, so now I'm questioning whether you just don't "get it" or are being purposely obtuse in defense of yourself. What was ACTUALLY said, by several of us (including the man who owns & operates this forum), is that we think you ARE expressing that tone. As stated earlier, if I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt I'm not sure you MEANT to, but that's how it came across to ME. (see the difference? it's action versus intent!) I can't speak to others perspective, but it APPEARS I'm not the only one who sees it that way.

With that said, I'm not sure what your perceived persecution of ML is. I don't hate ML...the man brought CSP, a Superbowl, and 15 years of being a relevant franchise and a THREAT in the playoffs...serious RESPECT and GRATITUDE for that! But with that being said, the past 4 seasons have been a sheet-show, with ML calling the shots. SOMETHING has changed, and if I'm giving him credit for those 15 years of greatness, then he also gets the blame for the past 4. This is no different than Bill Belichick and New England. An all-time great run whose time ran out and came to an end. It appears the same has happened to ML.

What is this perceived "hypothetical scenario" that you are referring to? I think there is enough hard evidence to support my assertion that, in spite of his 15 years of greatness, ML has seriously mismanaged and bungled the franchise over the past 4 years. That, in itself, is grounds for dismissal. Just ask Bill Belichick and/or Robert Kraft. So why are you so focused on a "hypothetical scenario" that so few (maybe only you?) perceive? Is it your assertion that if the perceived hypothetical scenario is dismissed, then the hard evidence of mismanagement goes away also? Speaking only for myself, I don't care if the hypothetical scenario is true or false....if true, it's simply 1 more domino in favor of moving beyond ML; and if it's false, the existing, hard evidence to move beyond ML still outweighs the false hypothetical. That is MY OPINION.

I'm not looking for ML to be fired in disgrace. ML has earned the right to step away with grace and gratitude for all he has accomplished and all he has done for the organization. If he wants to stay with the organization in another capacity, I'd say he's earned that too. I just believe, in the simplest terms possible, it is time for a new vision and a new GM to take the Saints back to being a relevant threat. That's not "ML hate". That's recognition that the team has steadily deteriorated for 4 seasons now, under ML's watch. DA trotted out tired old cliches like "keep chopping wood" and "keep doing what you're doing"; ML trotted out the ridiculous cliche of "look beyond the results". If we're going to reduce our outlooks to cliches, here's mine...."when you find you have dug yourself into a deep hole, STOP DIGGING!"

What do you mean I am citing what I want to hear? The “perceived” hypothetical I am citing is this idea that we will be left with choosing from the scrap heap of coaches due to the GM, which I still think is a silly notion. Read the post; it’s right there.

I don’t believe I am digging any “hole.” It’s clear though that I am not allowed to express myself as freely as some others though without there being an immediate prejudgment and shift going directly to me calling the guy names like ignorant and such. It is ironic to me that I am the one being accused of seeing what I want to see. It is also ironic that I, the one not being super negative and not liking an overly negative post am the one being treated like the angry bad guy.

Even RebelMax himself has liked one of my earlier posts in this thread and I presume he understands I wasn’t calling him some ignorant buffoon or something. Moderators have even liked the initial post. I am just not that guy but apparently I need to be for some people for whatever reason. I feel like I am being picked on here at a level others haven’t been with similar discourse regarding negativity, including discourse from leadership when it comes to needless negative posts. If I was just some random poster no one has heard of and the OP was just a random poster no one has heard of, this wouldn’t even be a topic point.