Was, despite people not wanting to admit it - Loomis made a conscious decision to distance himself from that model starting last year. It's why we considered a trade back w/ Rams had Bowers been on the board, and it's why we were virtually onlookers in FA. I expect that pivot to continue. Some of the arguments on this board are legit, but some are pretending like the pivot didn't already start and they just want to stay upset about something that arleady happened and lead to a lot of winning seasons.
Can't function that way anymore and the FO knows it
Now whether they do a full scale reboot or a soft one depends on how they feel about taking their medicine all in one season. I'm on the thinking a full reset would be easier to execute in 2026 but if they're ok w/ cutting veterans while paying them to play for other teams, yet removing their talent from the team then you can certainly start it this year.
I just don't see the point in paying people not to play for you. You're locked into some of these iffy contracts, might as well keep the talent on the roster until you can bettger replace it. Either way, you do it next season is going to be rough, depends on how competitive you want to be.