The organization and the culture


Sorry my man, but it has EVERYTHING to do with Ochsner … The Ochsner Andrews Sports Medicine Institute also provides care to the Saints and other athletes (the Pelicans). The institute's team includes sports medicine physicians, ATHLETIC TAINERS, physical therapists, and orthopedic surgeons. Nutrition, too. The office is part of the Saints facility on Airline Drive. … Argue all you want … look at both the Saints and the Pelicans, and if you can’t see an obvious common denominator, I don’t know what to tell you.

Care yes. But soft tissue injuries are about prevention and that falls on the training and health and fitness staff. Players don't even always have surgeries at Ochsner and often go to specialists around the country.

These guys don't go to Ochsner for training or PT. The Saints, and Pelicans for that matter, have their own training staff and health and fitness staff.

The PTs at Ochsner do PT for the public, not Saints or Pelicans players.