You’re Stranded on a Desert Island (not dessert)

Does the weed have seeds in it?
My first thought as well...

My choices largely change depending if someone is looking for me or if I am on my own for an extended period of time.

Water purifier is a no-brainer in most any survival situation.
Fishing rod for immediate access to food is also a solid idea.
Knife to clean fish and offer general tool utility, could be used to make a spear to also catch fish if Rod slot is needed.
If weed has seeds, then definitely! If not, and someone is looking for me, maybe... Otherwise, it wouldn't last long enough to be worth it.
Tent for immediate shelter is nice, but could build a shelter with the Tarp which would be more versatile long term.
If someone is looking for me, Flare gun or mirror would be more important and likely take the Rod slot.