You’re Stranded on a Desert Island (not dessert)

You can use heated rocks and hollowed out bamboo or log to boil the water. I've even seen it boiled in a plastic bottle. Most food won't require a pot as you won't have access to grains etc needing it, so a stick and fire will suffice.

A temp shelter until you get more is easy enough to build if you know what you are looking for in nature such as a cliff, fallen trees, and leaves.

Fishing pole would be a waste of your time. Learn to build traps and let the fish swim right into them. That frees you up for building the shelter and processing water\food.
Regarding shelter, I think the tent would be a good luxury item to start with until you can get a more permanent shelter built, especially if you're somewhere wet and buggy -- you're not going to be able to sleep if you're getting rained on or eaten alive by bugs. And then later on you can repurpose the materials -- the bug netting, for example, could be used for catching small fish or minnows for bait.