You’re Stranded on a Desert Island (not dessert)

Nah it just says gun not gun and unlimited bullets - so just the bullets already in the gun

@Tapxe if rocks are on island, isn’t knife/ax fairly easy to fashion?
Depends on the rock composition. Shale works, but idk all the variations of rock. It's possible to break them against each other or once you get fire you can take rocks from water and set em in the hot fire. The right ones will explode so stay away or behind a tree.

Bigger problem is how you gonna hold the rock on the stick to make an axe? You'll need to find a small animal, trap it for skin or make some cordage contraption and learn to throw the infinitely variable shaped rocks.

You can sharpen a decent stick on a rock and probably be much more effective at least defensively at first. Plus you can use it for digging roots, knocking down fruits, or separating the husk from the coconuts if available. That's good stuff for fire making and eventually a bed and pillow.