Could Derek Carr be a post-June 1 cut?

We honestly need to do nothing, restructure nothing, be the worst team in the NFL next year, let these bad salaries clear
I agree.
And the results from doing that are (primarily) two-fold...

1.) It will be hard to find an interested suitor for the head coaching position because he'll have to accept that it will take at least a year before any serious rebuild can begin. But he will know that he will have a free pass with absolutely zero expectations for 2025.

2.) By being the worst team next season it's likely that we will be on the board very early in the 2026 draft. Then it will be the new coach's time to shine by getting some good hand-selected picks and having a workable salary cap situation to make some deals on the free agent market.

While it's hard to think of our 30-something, Geritol Bunch as being old, there's two things that make it hard to justify keeping them beyond their prime. One is that they generally demand much more of the monetary resources to purchase your team, and Two, they are a ticking 'performance' time bomb that could detonate at any time. Despite their experience, knowledge, & desire, once the physical drop-off begins they quickly can become a liability at the position they play. This is a young man's game and it's very hard to keep a window for possible championships open for very long. Every single year we need to be looking for young replacements that can be groomed to fill the spots of those who will soon be affected by Father Time.

It's hard to create the perfect storm of top training & talent within your franchise in order to field a truly competitive team year in and year out. But the way we've been trying to do that lately has been extremely expensive and it obviously isn't working. We need a better plan... and a lot of good luck to go with it.