The organization and the culture

The Packers are 37-26 in the playoffs. Winning percentage.

The Steelers have SIX Lombardis and are 36-28 in the playoffs. Winning percentage.

The Eagles are 26-25 in the playoffs, and as I've mentioned, are losers. But they are better than us because they've won multiple NFCCGsand therefore multiple Super Bowl appearances. They couldn't close the deal 3 out of 4 times.

Saints are 10-13 in the playoffs. Losing percentage.

Again, the Saints are a loser franchise with an overall history of a losing record and a losing playoff record. It's unfortunate but that's what it is. The numbers tell you we are literal losers, by definition. Getting mad or upset at me for pointing it out doesn't change it. Only the Saints actually winning can. And I mean winning playoff games and Super Bowls.

We had to fire a Head Coach IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEASON that anyone with common sense knew should helma team, or stars are all old and oft-injured, the officials love calling penalties on us in high leverage moments, we are in cap H-E- Double Hockey sticks, Brees is gone, Payton is gone, Cam Jordan is 97 years old, and I don't know our fast situation but I highly doubt we could fix what's wrong in one draft.

So, tell me where does glimmer of hope lie? Please.
I’m not claiming the Saints are an all time franchise.
And yes, there is some more work to do.
Personally, it’s not completely done until the franchise evens out the all time winning percentage.
But there comes a point where the ghosts of the Meacom Era don’t matter because it’s been soooo long ago.