Can't judge Rizzi based on program he didn't build
Rizzi has won 3 games. In one of those the normally very reliable Falcons' K missed THREE field goals in a 3 point game. We beat the Giants by 3 points, and their K missed a FG as well. Part of that is luck rather than scheme. If those kickers made those kicks, there is an excellent chance Rizzi has won only 1 or 2 games. His career track record in college as a head coach is 18-23. While those college years occurred when he was much younger, positionally he has mainly been entrusted with special teams coaching in the NFL. That doesn't necessarily indicate his full field of talents, but generally ST coaches are the guys who convince players to run full speed down the field and to crash into other players running full speed down the field (basically to that effect), not X's and 0's schematic thinkers nor the coaches most responsible for dealing with the precious egos and historys of stars. He can certainly bring a passion and intensity to the job - and perhaps that is a good thing compared to the taciturn Allen - but there is nothing to suggest in his coaching history that he brings anything other than that to the head coaching position.
Or: do you really want the guy who put Jamal Williams back to return kickoffs calling the shots?