Vehicle plows into crowd on Bourbon St., with 14 fatalities

Condolences to the city right now. Our statistical outliers can do untold damage to the rest of us with the technology we have at our ready disposal.

I can’t agree with this. All sober violence isn’t terroristic. Terrorists use violence to instill fear for some form of policy change. Their target is the survivors. The third category is just plain loons. The Columbine kids weren’t worried about what the survivors did, they just wanted to take lives. That’s what most of these are really. Category 3: the mentally ill. Maybe this guy had a manifesto or cause of some sort, but my guess is he was just mentally broken and people in the wrong place wrong time were collateral damage to his suicide.
He's reportedly dead and IF his vehicle was his personal one registered to him, we should soon at least have an ID.