Vehicle plows into crowd on Bourbon St., with 14 fatalities

The whole point of a terror attack is to make a splash and draw lots of attention. Going incognito won't draw the response you want. It's possible that the explosives were part of a secondary attack.

It goes like this...

Truck barrels down Bourbon
Gunman exits vehicle and inflicts max damage
He blows the truck on the way out
Secondary attacker watches from safe hotel
Secondary attacker detonates as people are responding to injured.

It's a well known tactic.
Yeah but like max damage & making a splash or statement would have been earlier in the night right as the clock struck 12 and just set off the bomb and disappear. I dunno… just seems like getting caught is all part of the plan and it doesn’t make sense to want to spend the rest of your life in jail when you could do your dirt & At least try to get away with it. Some of them I do realize want to do the whole suicide by cop thing. But I am not insane so my logical thinking doesn’t really fit.