Vehicle plows into crowd on Bourbon St., with 14 fatalities

This is a decent point. It takes a certain mindset to go into a situation knowing that it's a "suicide mission". Maybe that's why a lot of these people that do these things are ex military? They've been trained to put the mission first and foremost. No, or little, fear of dying as long as they complete the mission.

That seems like a reasonable explanation for why someone could do this.

I think this thing looked different when it looked like it was a group of people involved. (Maybe it still is but the group they thought was involved was not.) If it was a larger group carrying out a plan then it would look more like an actual ISIS plot carried out by "true believers" who believe in the 40 virgins, etc.

But, if it is just him acting alone, this seems to be more of a guy with mental issues that snapped and latched on to ISIS propaganda which he used as his reason to act. So, if he wasn't a "true believer" I could see where he would have hesitated to act and his military training may have been what in the end allowed him to act knowing that he was going to die.