Vehicle plows into crowd on Bourbon St., with 14 fatalities

But then look at the number of guys making videos or posting at various places who talk about trying to open up about their emotions to their wives/girlfriends only to have them sheet all over them for it. I have a friend who was going through some really bad stuff, decided to uncharacteristically open up to his wife about it and instead of getting a kind ear he got read the riot act about how it wasn't her job to handle his emotional burdens.

Society pretends it wants men to be emotionally open and vulnerable but reality is often it's just better to soldier on because nobody in your life really wants to hear about it.

Therapy helps somewhat. It's a better option than opening up to those around you because at least a therapist won't weaponize your weaknesses against you.
Well the first thing they are doing wrong is making a video/posting about it. Some things truly need to be kept off the internet.

I think men in general at some point need to acknowledge that a lot of women won't have sympathy because for centuries and still to this day, we live in a society that was very much built for men while women had to endure a lot of abuse, neglect and generally speaking just not treated as equals and told "that's just the way it is."

Both sides have a lot of reconciliation around the "that's just the way it is" and "suck it up" that the other feels and do a better job to be better to each other but men need to acknowledge that this is something women have had to deal with forever; while it's a relatively new phenomena for men to not have everything centered around them.

I've even seen it reported in here that this dude was mad at his ex-wife because HE was behind on child support, had other financial woes, etc. If anyone was mad and needed to be lashing out, it was the ex-wife because she's had to support those kids by herself and probably never gets a break.

The stigma for a single mom is far worse than the stigma for a deadbeat dad.