clearing the deck - the marriage status thread

As a guy who was in that situation a long time ago, that was well stated; in such a way the guy doesn't feel like a loser but you also make your boundaries clear.
It's also a very logical choice. When a person is not yet divorced there are a multitude of strings still attaching them to the old relationship. Not wanting to wait while a person works his/her way through cutting those strings makes sense. Timing is everything. if it's in the cards it will come back around. In the meantime, there is drag racing to be done...

Ima go back to the days of eating tuna and rice, and drinking Natty Light while an Edelbrock Super Victor aluminum hi-rise intake with a Holley 670 Street Avenger sat on my dining room table. Jesus, I was soooo happy then. Life was uncomplicated. Dated when I wanted and raced when I wanted.