clearing the deck - the marriage status thread

When very, very young, I got in the middle of one of those "well, yes, I have a girlfriend back home but we've agreed I can date but I have to tell her". So he met me, told her, and then suddenly the high school girlfriend back home wasn't so cool about her boyfriend dating anymore. I wish I could say I nope'd on outta there cleanly but it was a good education on relationships.

Spoiler alert: He never ended up with her either, apparently, so I guess it was a good education on relationships for him, too.
Yup had several LDR's in college and in the years thereafter. Two or three held the provision that it was okay to date others, but not to sleep with anyone else. We just had to keep each other informed. Yes, it got messy once or twice, but I always honored the "no sleeping with.." rule. I was as sure as I could be that they did too.

Edit: I thought nothing of getting in my car after a long week and driving 2+ hours to spend the weekend with those girlfriends, and they repaid the favor. Sleep was an afterthought and those were some blissful weekends. These days I can't handle the idea of driving 30 miles for a date if it's going to start after 7pm, lol.