clearing the deck - the marriage status thread

When very, very young, I got in the middle of one of those "well, yes, I have a girlfriend back home but we've agreed I can date but I have to tell her". So he met me, told her, and then suddenly the high school girlfriend back home wasn't so cool about her boyfriend dating anymore. I wish I could say I nope'd on outta there cleanly but it was a good education on relationships.

Spoiler alert: He never ended up with her either, apparently, so I guess it was a good education on relationships for him, too.
ours was ...complicated
we were together about a year when I got my touring gig
then maybe a year after that she got a teaching job in holland and that was about the time we realized that the only way to stay together was to open the relationship
then she started dancing with Martha graham and I went to grad school
we were together for about 7 years, but it was actually texas that ended the relationship - I got a university position in denton and she was like I am NOT moving to texas
more than likely the relationship had petered out and not being together actually prolonged it
weirdly one of the worst parts of the breakup was losing her brother - he's one of my favorite people ever