Do you have ambition to live or retire abroad?

Whoops, i just contributed another living abroad post to the other thread before i saw this one .

As many of yall know, i escaped what i consider the USA s***hole last summer and im now a resident of Asia…. This could change depending on work stuff, since i am not yet able to retire financially , even in a cheap part of the world like this.. so i may have to return to America (which i consider a 3rd world country at this point) in order to work and to make a living, since that is where i was born and the country im a citizen of.. but that remains to be seen…. No one has asked for my advice, but in the spirit of this thread, i will give it: My advice to anyone reading this is- If you have options (and not everyone does)- but IF you have options and IF you are able to- then by all means you should do everything in ur power to beat the mass exodus out of America and leave as soon as you possibly can…………. I am not going to get this thread moved or deleted due to politics, so the only thing i will say on the matter is that if you believe ANY politician is going to be your savior or help you or save you or change the way things are heading- then you are DELUSIONAL…….. i hate to be so ‘doom and gloom’, after all as my handle here reflects, im usually a sunny, optimistic upbeat person.. and i am not always ahead of the curve- but in this case, i believe that i am .
Do keyboards in Asia not have a "Return" key?

LOL! Just messing with 'ya.