Do you have ambition to live or retire abroad?

Ascona Switzerland (which is in what is called the Italian part of Switzerland )or the coastal Italian Ascona?
ah - good question and I do the thing I always do
we did perform in Acosta but it was Switzerland and that was the last Italian (ish) place I performed was Aosta, italy

Acosta was interesting bc it was the only European city we ever performed in where the women had to cover their tops and that was bc we were performing on actual monastery grounds
DANG was that place beautiful - we rented a boat and went out swimming in the lake - it was a complete talented mr Ripley setting

ha. now these other memories are starting to seep back in
can't remember what we did before getting there but we were SUPER jet-lagged
3pm sitting at a cafe drinking a beer to try to regulate the system - a bis drivers by
Ascona is part of the Ferrovie Autolinee Regionali Ticinesi - and those initials were broadly - some might say proudly - displayed on the side of the bus
so completely jet-lagged tired, beer in belly we watch this FART bus drive by and give it a beat then we all just burst out laughing
and I have to say that even though it was Switzerland, that might have been a top 3 all-time pizza