And guess what- i AM saying *bleep* America.. there is no ‘trying to say’ or ‘kinda like it sounds’….. i am GUILTY AS CHARGED .
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way- America isnt all bad, not many places are all bad.. i am thankful for certain things that being born in America has afforded me.. but two things can be true- one is that being born in America wasnt a terrible thing.. another true thing is that, in 2025, the negatives of life in the US far outweigh the positives…. One example, is that we are talking about a country (the US) where a classroom of 3rd graders can get slaughtered and mass shootings can happen with regularity and almost nothing ever changes .
There is no perfect place .. bad things happen everywhere.. the difference is that, in most countries, if something terrible happens- it becomes huge news because it’s RARE unlike in the US where that stuff happens regularly .. and also, in most places laws get changed and efforts are made almost immediately to stop these things from happening again.. in America - NOTHING ever changes.. i think we can all agree 100% that no matter your ideological stance- the correct answer when some madman shoots up a mall is not to do NOTHING.. or to pass some stupid meaningless law against a specific type of weapon that changes almost nothing .. and i dont even have kids ! I cant believe that those of you with children arent 100% more pissed about this than i am, and unwilling to stay in a place like that, and i cant believe that yall are willing to share a country with people who are too lazy to do anything about it…. trust me when i tell you that im not interested in turning this into a gun control thread, that is just one example to me of how the bad outweighs the good in 2025 America .